PitFIRE is a metabolic conditioning class designed to optimize your cardiovascular performance and complement your current CrossFit training. Our classes emphasize the fundamental components of CrossFit (fully-functional and constantly varied workouts at high-intensity), without Olympic lifts or complicated gymnastics movements.

PitFIRE is for everyone, regardless of experience; novice athletes can expect extraordinary support and physical transformations while advanced athletes will experience dynamic workouts that change daily.


Routine is the enemy…CrossFit is designed, purposefully, within its own definition: a fully functional system of constantly varied movements, performed at high intensity. This system remains a quantifiable and trackable approach to elite fitness, allowing our athletes to track their unique progress in their journey of fitness. 

CrossFit is both a physical exercise philosophy and a competitive fitness sport, incorporating elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, and other exercises.

*Olympic Lifting experience or On Ramp/CrossFit Foundations completion required

Olympic Lifting *

Our Olympic Weightlifting class focuses solely on the two Olympic Lifts: the snatch and the clean & jerk. We'll also have some fun with working through comprehensive accessory movements to improve your strength and efficiency in these lifts. Oly-Lifting improves speed, power, and agility, and will further develop your well-roundedness as an athlete.

On-Ramp/CrossFit Foundations

This series is our prerequisite program for all athletes new to CrossFit, covering all methodology, safety and fundamentals of the sport. Condensed into 3 private sessions, the coach will provide technical instruction on CrossFit’s Olympic Barbell Lifts and standards of CrossFit.

As an introduction to CrossFit, this program will give every member a technical foundation for proper form and technique utilized as the basis of functional fitness. Every athlete engaged in CrossFit matriculates through a fundamentals program, and your coaches and fellow athletes would expect the same from you!

Our 3-Session 1-on-1 On Ramp/Foundations class is offered for the very special pricing of $210.

*If you are new to Blue Republic, but knowledgable in the Olympic Barbell lifts that are required of CrossFit, and would like to test out of our On-Ramp Program, please have your current or former CrossFit box email us or be prepared to demo the Oly movements required of CF.

Bypassing the On Ramp Program is AT OUR DISCRETION. We are here to ensure you learn the fundamentals of CrossFit for injury prevention and efficiency!

Functional BodyBuilding

Functional Bodybuilding is comprised of accessory and functional lifts while focusing on coordination and balance. We’ll move slow and controlled to develop strength under composure. Utilizing single arm/leg movements to address any imbalances that may arise over the course of intense training, we’ll include variations of: rows, squats, deadlifts, presses, lunges, holds, and tempo work. You will build muscle, get strong, and will continue to move with intention.Tuesdays will focus on lower body and Thursdays will focus on upper body.

Mobility & Flexibility

Promote recovery, increase mobility and flexibility, improve your lifts, find strength in your end range of motion, and release tension with Mobility + Flexibility. Expect self myofasical release techniques such as foam rolling, lacrosse balls, and barbell smashes, and active stretching/banded distractions. Each class is targeted specifically to CrossFit athletes so you will find you can squat deeper, find better overhead positioning, and will feel a sense of overall balance after each class!

MONTHLY PLANS w/ 3-Month Commitment:

Unlimited (includes Open Gym):


3x/week (12 classes/month):


2x/week (8 classes/month):


Monthly Membership Discounts available for:

Military, Veterans and First Responders - 15%

Couples - 10%

Students - 10%

CLASS PACKS (punch card)*

25 Class-Pack: $500

10 Class-Pack: $225

Drop ins: $25

*Class packs expire ONE year from purchase


inBody is a comprehensive test that measures your fat, muscle, and water levels in less than a minute and is 98% accurate! No dunking, no pinching, no discomfort. Each inBody test will print out a full page results sheet detailing the muscle and body fat composition of the user.

One Scan: $45

Monthly Scans: $25/each